Distant Moon has lived many lives in the multiverse. It existed in the imagination of 13 year old Ian in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Then it was a not-so-subtle psuedonym for “Ian” while I moonlighted nights and weekends just out of college. Then it was a short-lived partnership between me and a close friend in 2014. Then we closed Distant Moon down and I re-evaluated what I wanted out of a film career. In 2017, I decided I had the answer: “Distant Moon is going to be one of the premiere film-production companies in the world.” And with that DISTANT MOON was born (for good). Six years later, we’re 13-people-strong and aiming at 30 by the end of 2023. I’ll keep you updated on how it continues to go.

Click the logo to the left or here to go to the official Distant Moon site.